

Learn some more about what's affecting your trees.



Learn some more about what's affecting your trees.



Gibbon Tree Co is well-equipped for disease control, addressing any known tree ailment. Prevention and cure are within reach for most tree diseases. Explore these external links to learn about potential threats to your trees. For a free consultation, reach out to us. We are passionate about educating and providing accurate diagnoses to save your trees!

10 reasons indicating your tree is stressed/dying.
 Look for:

1.) Abnormal foliage/leaf growth. A thinning canopy, early leaf drop, early "fall colors", growths on leaves or clumps of leaves indicates a much larger issue
2.) low sucker/water sprouts 
3.) sluffing/flaking bark
4.) Fungal/Mushroom growth anywhere on the tree
5.) Splitting or sharp "v-shaped" unions. Usually sporting black/rotting material at the unions
6.) Significant die-back of the canopy may be the result of damaged/unhealthy roots
7.) Vertical seams/bulges running the length of the trunk. This is most likes the result of a Lightning Strike or Freeze Relief Cracks
8.) Decay pockets or holes. Usually housing all sorts of woodland creatures.
9.) Woodpecker Holes, this is a secondary issue to an insect infestation, we can stop this.
10.) Crossing/rubbing limbs, this creates wounds allowing diseases to infect your tree

How do I care for my tree?
Thats a good question, We're glad you asked

1.) Regular Maintenance: most trees need pruning to extent their lives and maintain safe structure, contact us to get a free professional recommendation on how/when/how often trees should be serviced
2.) Disease Control: first we have to figure out why your tree isn't behaving correctly, Let us diagnose/treat your trees to stop further damage. This process is on a "sooner the better" timeline. If you want to save that giant/significant/memorable/beautiful tree, call us ASAP
3.) Root Fertilization: Applying regular tree fertilization gives a tree substantial nutrients to grow full and fast! Call for more info!
4.)  Immune Boosts: If you have sick/dying trees as indicated above, We can apply a tree immune booster to bring that sick tree back


Why is my Ash tree dead/dying:
Emerald Ash Borer is the #1 cause of dead ash trees is the US. If not treated, ash trees are toast. They can be saved with professional treatment but it has to be done specifically or treatment will not be effective. 

What to do:
If you have an ash tree in the Chippewa valley, look for flaky white-ish bark starting in the canopy on wrist to thigh sized limbs. Later symptoms will include woodpecker damage (eating the insects), and eventually flaking bark. You may even see the "D" shaped exit holes of the insect. 2018 was when EAB was found here, but the effects will be seen now and in the next 2 years. If your ash trees have these excessive symptoms, there is no treatment available and they will die and have to be removed. If your trees don’t have these symptoms yet, they will have them soon. We can treat EAB systemically but it must be done ASAP. Emerald ash borer leaves no live ash tree in its wake. Call Gibbon Tree Co to have us come out to inspect and assess your ash tree before it’s too late.


Elm trees

Spruce Trees
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